Welcome To Cambrian Concrete

Established, manufacturer & supplier of high quality concrete
building products and core components to the construction & building industries.

Quality Products – Reliable Service – Customer Satisfaction


So there’s exciting time ahead at Cambrian, let’s take a quick look at what’s new.

Firstly, there’s this website. We’ve aimed at a more subtle approach to our Internet presence, we’re looking to alight the ‘feel’ of our site to the ‘feel’ of our Company.

We believe that Cambrian Concrete delivers a calm professionalism towards the manufacture and supply of our products, which we believe culminates in feelings of trust and reliability within our custom base.

We also believe that working as a team member within Cambrian is exactly that, a team – a family.

It’s these core values we look to share with our partners, and our customers.


Each product has a core data sheet detailing general information, product density, compression strengths and CE certificates.

We have the right block for your needs!

100mm Product Range

Conforms to European Standard: BS EN 771-3:2011

Category II, 440 x100x215 mm aggregate concrete masonry units.


100mm Solid LWT 3.6N

100mm Solid 7.3N

100mm Solid Dense 10.4N

100mm Cellular LWT 3.6N

100mm Cellular 3.6N

100mm Cellular 7.3N

140mm Product Range

Conforms to European Standard: BS EN 771-3:2011

Category II, 440x140x215 mm aggregate concrete masonry units.

140mm Solid 7.3N

140mm Solid 7.3N (Paint Grade)

140mm Solid 10.4N

140mm Solid 17.5N

140mm Cellular 7.3N

215mm Product Range

Conforms to European Standard: BS EN 771-3:2011

Category II, 440 x 215 x 215 mm aggregate concrete masonry units.


215mm Hollow 7.3N

Split Face Product Range

The Split Face concrete block product range is to order only. Please contact us for more information, specifications and to also order.

There's more to our blocks than just concrete

View our product examples & tech specs! You should find what you need here, if not then please don't hesitate to
contact us for more information.

Get In Touch

Please call our friendly team on 01352 741412 to discuss your requirements. Alternatively you can send a message to sales@cambrianconcrete.co.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we can. We look forward to hearing from you.
The Cambrian Team.